1. Explain how you changed your photo in the lab to create a stencil.
i changed tthe colors to only consist of black and white
2. When creating the collage background explain your choices of colors, materials (magazine paper, books pages, etc), and placement. How does it relate to your topic? If no relation discuss general idea.
it has to blend well with the two colors of the stencil
3. Discuss the way positive and negative space was used to create your stencil.
they all had a part to play in the color
4. When using the xacto knife, explain the safety procedures, how to use the knife and any challenges you had to overcome while cutting.
i was not safe when it came to saftey
5. How was your experience with the spray paint? Discuss how color choice is important, placement of stencil, and any other concepts you noticed while creating this.
my experince was fun. mixing the colors was fun.